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15 Marylyn Monroe Quotes That Are Thought Provoking

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 10:09 am

It's more than 50 years since Marilyn Monroe passed away, but the entire world still remembers her for her acting skills and charming looks. She was an incredible woman. She had a good vision. At a time where women find it difficult to survive in the entertainment industry, she showed other women the right way to handle things in Hollywood, from a career perspective. Though Marilyn Monroe mostly played dumb blonde roles, she was nowhere near to be called a dumb lady in real life. She was brilliant. It's unfortunate that actress of that caliber and stature had tragically ended her life. Her life is inspiring, so does her quotes. Read fifteen inspiring Marilyn Monroe quotes.  

#2 It's All Make Believe, Isn't It?

"It's all make believe, isn't it?" It sometimes seems that way, doesn't it? As if Marilyn's strange life and tragic deat* were all just some kind of fairy tale, designed to warn any fame-seeker to be careful what they wished for. But it wasn't make believe. Everything about her sad life -- especially the all-too-quick end -- was very real.

It's All Make Believe, Isn't It?-15 Marylyn Monroe Quotes That Are Thought Provoking


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