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Meet Ra Paulette: A Cavedigger

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 6:12 pm

Meet Ra Paulette, a man who dedicated his life in creating beautiful sculptures inside mountain caves. He is an American cave sculptor based in New Mexico. He isolated himself from the world for the past 25 years or so, only to carve and create artistic spaces into hillsides and inside sandstone buttes. Check some of the images of his splendid artwork, and get to know how he turns nature into art.
1.What He Does is Inspiring

He created these wonderful looking caves in about fourteen different places in the desert area outside of San Jose (New Mexico). He digs, chisels, and carves beautiful and cathedral-like interiors inside sandstone caves and buttes of New Mexico. He says he does this because he finds immense pleasure and happiness in doing what he loves.

What He Does is Inspiring-Meet Ra Paulette: A Cavedigger

2.He Does Everything on His Own

Every day he goes to those caves with backpack and wheelbarrow, and spends the whole day inside them. He is like a one man army, and his efforts show us why a human being is never too weak to achieve the impossible. Imagine the level of dedication, patience, concentration and physical strength he needs to 'artify' those 'nature's swellings'!

He Does Everything on His Own-Meet Ra Paulette: A Cavedigger

3.He Learned this Art on His Own

Ra Paulette is a self-made man. He has no guides or mentors. He learned the art on his own. He hasn't formally studied architecture, sculpting, or structural engineering. He is not only passionate about cave sculpting, but also takes that as his profession. He made several cave sculptures for resorts. Do you know how much he charges them? $12 an hour!!!

He Learned this Art on His Own-Meet Ra Paulette: A Cavedigger

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