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Most Amazing Houses

Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 7:11 pm

1.Leonardo Glass Cube

Talk about natural light. This all glass house gets light from every angle, from floor to ceiling. Located in Bad Driburg, Germany, this house was designed for the Glaskoch Corporation in 2007 Used for meetings and hospitality, the home features filtered and fitted glass with disc springs that reduce wind pressure.

2.Shoe House

The real life shoe house fitting for any little old lady who wants to live in a shoe. Every little kid dreamed of what it would really be like to live in a shoe, when reading the fairy tale. Well, it looks like someone grew up and made their dreams come true with their very own show house, complete with laces and all.

3.Hollyhock House - Cortes Island, British Columbia, Canada

This type of design has been used since the 11th century. The Gerry Thomasen Cob style of design and construction was found in the Middle EAst, North Africa, Devon, Wales and Cornwall. There was a resurgence in the 1990's for this type of building, becoming popular in both England and Ireland.

4.Ocean Front

Never a worry about noisy neighbors in this house, from above, below or on the sides. Sitting above the water, this all glass home, has it's own deck and swimming pool, that is the ocean. A private island, in a sleek and modern design, this place is tranquil, with just the sounds of the ocean to lull you to sleep.


It's hard to tell where the house ends and the rock begins. Actually, it looks to be made out of the rock it sits on. Looking a bit top heavy, this structure is as solid as can be, with an ethereal feel to it. Connected by a gondola, this is how you visit your friends and go shopping.

6.Inversion House - Houston, Texas

This house is the melding of two old studios that were owned by The Art League in Houston. About to be demolished, two artists named Dan Havel and Dean Ruck altered the two buildings, creating a tunnel like vortex. A crazy looking design that just has to be seen to believe.

7.Mushroom House - Cincinnati, Ohio

This unusual mushroom house was built by Architect Terry Brown, who graduated from the University of Connecticut. Residing in an upscale area of Cincinnati, this house stands out from the rest for many reasons. If fact, the architect received many complaints from neighbors as it was being built, but he had a vision of a house that mimicked nature in the form of a mushroom.


8.The Upside-Down House - Szymbark, Poland

Talk about turning your world upside down. Built as a statement of the Communist era as well as the end of the world, a Polish philanthropist, Daniel Czapiewski, built the Upside Down House in 114 days. Today it attracts tourists visiting the village of Symbark, who become dizzy after being inside

9.Lake Tahoe Mountain Home

This rustic, yet elegant 20,000 square foot mansion was modeled after a northern European mountain home. with a 3,500 bottle wine cellar and a 19 seat movie theater, this home also has it's own indoor swimming pool. It's estimated value is one hundred million dollars, that's right $100,000,000 smackeroos.


10.London Mansion

This 30,000 square foot 19th century mansion is based in London and is worth $218,000,000 dollars. Purchased by a Russian Billionaire, it sits on perfectly manicured landscaping. Looking more like a castle than a mansion, it's vast floor plan is fit for a king, but we all know it's the Queen who chooses the curtains.


Built in Arkangelsk, Russia by a former gangster, Nikolai Sutyagin, it morphed into something that he never imagined. As he kept building and trying to even out the structure, the more unbalanced it became. The resulting masterpiece was accomplished by a series of building bursts. Sutyagin spent time in prison, and the house now sits, decaying without care or maintenance.



With panoramic windows, and a kitchen that takes in the morning light, this architectural wonder is a UK based Sybarite design, and it's a tree house. Made from prefab pieces, this house can be made into any shape or design with one to five bedrooms, and situated any way that the owner prefers.


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