Most Anticipated Gadgets Of 2013
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 6:26 pm
Tony Williams
#1 Google Glass
Google Glass (also written as GL?SS) is a wearable computer developed by Google X. GL?SShas an optical head-mounted display that showcases information, much like a smartphone, just in a hands-free manner. It allows users to communicate with the Internet using voice commands. It has 12GB of usable memory and 1GB of RAM. The GL?SS is not fitted with lenses, but Google is mulling over the possibility to partnering up with sunglass retailers. The Google GL?SS was released in February 2013. Consumers thought they'd be able to get their hands on one of these nifty devices this year, but the GL?SS will officially go on-sale to the public beginning in 2014. The GL?SS will reportedly cost $300-$500.

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