Most Outrageous Things Exes Ever Did After They Broke Up
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 10:45 pm
By:James Fraser
While most couples think breaking up is actually a solution to all their problems, real problems sometimes start only after breaking up. Getting over a break up can be really difficult at times. We all know how depressing life can be at a time like that, but we can never predict how crazy people can go post a break up.
We show you fifteen crazy exes who did the most outrageous things ever!
1.Happy Mother's Day, Motherf****r!
We bet you cannot guess even in your wildest dreams why this girlfriend sent her ex-boyfriend a mother’s day card. Even that guy did not know what’s up with his ex until she told him he was the biggest motherf****r in the world, so he deserves the card more than anyone else. Isn’t that funny?!


2.Too Much Information
This insane ex met her boyfriend's parents and explained to them in detail everything they have done in bed. The most interesting part is that this guy’s dad later told his son about how similar their tastes are when comes to sex. Creepy, right?


3.My Heart Isn't Crying, But My Kid is
We don't know what the intentions of this guy are, but we should feel awfully bad for his lady to hear a kid crying for her at 3:00 AM. Meet this ex who calls his partner regularly in the middle of the night, so he can make her listen to his three year old kid crying for her.


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