Real Life People Who Have Become Dolls
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 4:28 pm
Have you ever played with dolls in your childhood? We all did, one of the best memories of childhood is playing with dolls. Be it action figures, Barbie dolls whatever. But for some people this has become their whole life. Yes, Here are 12 people who have become real life dolls.
When you look at this you cannot help but feel that it is the eyes that really does do it for you because they are quite freaky. However, it is also worth noting that her skin does play a part in making her look like a doll and overall she should be proud of her effort.

The funny part about this is that this woman does believe that she looks like Barbie, but other people are perhaps not that convinced. Yes she is trying her best, but perhaps trying a bit too hard in all honesty and that is where she has been let down.

3.Valeria Lukyanova
This picture is amazing in that it shows you how these girls can transform themselves into dolls because here you have the before and after shot. It is actually something that you have to just sit and marvel at as that second photograph really does not look like a human being.

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