15 People Reveal Behind The Scenes Secrets From Reality Shows
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 5:22 pm
By:James Fraser
So, how real are the reality shows? We all know that they are not 100% real, but we hardly know how fake they can be. Yes, most reality shows are prep-planned, staged and not real at all. The story is more or less same with the talent shows as well. We have fifteen people here who revealed some fascinating behind the scenes secrets of reality shows. These people either worked for reality shows or participated in them.
1.It's Not Like What You See On TV!
A friend of mine tried out for American Idol and she said it always seemed like the people wait then they get their big shot in front of the TV judges. In reality it's a ton of steps, and hours of waiting, to go through loads of intermediate judges who decide if you're either TV material, the insane or terrible people, or actually good enough to move on.

2.A Few Insider Facts
I used to work in reality TV:
• Almost everything is planned ahead of time, TV is expensive to make and no one has the time or money to make an entire show of real moments
• Some shows are more "real" than others. Cop follow shows are usually pretty authentic. Anything with celebrities is probably all fake.
• Most dramatic phone conversations are fake (I did voice over once as a nurse calling with bad news)
• If you want a free wedding sign up for a wedding show with a host. They have a reputation to uphold so they are invested in giving you a good event and you could get a lot of free stuff out of it.

3.So House Hunters Is A Lie?
Met someone on a plane once who was on House Hunters. After she purchased her new house, the show came and taped her viewing that house. Then they took her to two other houses to make it seem like she was going to pick between the three. In reality, she had bought a house before they even taped the show.

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