15 People Reveal Behind The Scenes Secrets From Reality Shows
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 5:22 pm
By:James Fraser
So, how real are the reality shows? We all know that they are not 100% real, but we hardly know how fake they can be. Yes, most reality shows are prep-planned, staged and not real at all. The story is more or less same with the talent shows as well. We have fifteen people here who revealed some fascinating behind the scenes secrets of reality shows. These people either worked for reality shows or participated in them.
4.This 'Cake Boss' Secret
I have been to Carlo's Bakery (the bakery from cake boss). While there we learned that the "wedding" they were filming in Italy was completely faked, and they never actually got married. Kind of ruined the whole experience for me.

5.Reality TV Shows Are Staged Most Of The Times
Haven't been on a show, but worked in TV. LIGHTING. Lighting takes forever. There are literally hours between takes. If there aren't then the lighting was setup beforehand. That means that the "stars" have to stand in a very specific location during those "impromptu" scenes. They aren't impromptu at all. I saw one episode of the Bachelor where the couple decided to make out/fuck in the shower. It was one of those tub showers with the curtain. Well the curtain was a translucent white with a purple tinted light behind so that the silhouettes could be seen in the act. This was the worst example of a staged scene I have ever seen in a reality show.

6.They Aren't Real At All
My family was on the food network for our restaurant once. Pretty much the entire process is fake. The producers faked scenarios so that there could be more drama and suspense in the episode. Even the portrayal of one "day" was actually spaced weeks apart, having my family members come dressed in the same outfit so that it seemed it was all in the same day.

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