36 Strangest Gadgets That You Can Buy
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 8:10 am
Tony Williams
You already know how creative humans are! We are the problem solvers of the planet (we are the problem creators too). There is always something in the form of technology or gadget to solve many of our day-to-day problems. However, most of us don't know about them! Such highly creative devices are not sold in the local stores! Someone sitting in a distant foreign country comes up with a creative gadget idea, makes the gadget, and sells it on websites like Amazon and eBay. Such gadgets are extremely useful. Some of them are pointless and plain stupid too! Here are 36 such strangest, coolest and weirdest gadgets we think you haven't seen before!
#36 AB-Hancer
Abs is something most men desire to have, but some aren't willing to work for. A six-pack can take months, or even years to get. The AB-Hancer cuts down on the amount of time you spend at the gym and gives you a faux six-pack. The gadget creates the illusion of six-pack and all you have to do is put it on and then relax on your couch.
If you hate working out or going to gym, it's okay! With this Ab-Hancer, you can get six-pack abs in minutes! Just put it minutes before your girlfriend reaches your home and surprise her with your new six-pack body!
By the way, don't forget that this Ab-Hancer will only give you fake abs, and the marks will go away in few minutes. Since men too started posting loads of pictures of their bodies on their social media profile pages, we guess this cool tool comes in very handy for them!

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