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The Importance Of Windows To Your Home

Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 7:54 am

Windows play such an important role to a house, yet many people seem to pay too little attention to them when designing the plans to build a new home or when looking at existing homes to buy.

However, the value and significance of home windows should always be taken into consideration and moved closer to the top of your list of the important aspects of your new home or when renovating an existing home. 

Windows can have an impact on the overall function of your home in areas of convenience, efficacy, safety and security, act as a sound barrier and add visual appeal and resale value to your home.

#3 Budget Friendly Upgrades To Older Windows

If you are on a very tight budget, new window installations may not be feasible. However, there are some upgrades you can make to improve the efficiency of your existing windows.

You can add storm windows to reduce or eliminate air leaking in or out of the home. This can also have a positive impact on your energy bills and keep you comfortable in your home.

Add extra caulking and weather stripping around the existing windows to reduce air leakage. 

The right window curtains can also aid in losing heat in the colder months and keeping the hot air out during the summer months. 

Budget Friendly Upgrades To Older Windows-The Importance Of Windows To Your Home


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