15 Things You Don't Know About Travers Beynon AKA CandyMan
Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 5:17 am
By:James Fraser
Meet Travers Beynon, an Australian businessman, a former model and football player. He is known for showing off his lavish life on Instagram. He is hated by most, if not all, for many reasons like posting inappropriate pictures or pictures that are of very bad taste. He goes around with nickname CandyMan, and runs an Instagram account with name 'CandyShopMansion'. He is like Hugh Hefner of Australia.
1.Here is He, Travers Beynon
That's about him in his own words. He is a millionaire, and he runs a tobacco business named 'Free Choice Tobacconist'. Beynon is a 90s model, and a former AFL (Australia Football League) player. He married and divorced Miss World 1991 Ninibeth Leal. He divorced her in 2008. He amassed much of his wealth from his highly successful tobacco business.

2.This is Why People Hate Him
This picture sums up his life. His life is all about cars, cash, women and parties. After watching this picture, you will now understand why everybody hates him. If you go to his Instagram page, you would see many similar pictures. This picture shows you what people can do WITH money, and what people will do FOR money.

3.He Loves to Use Women in Many Ways
We already know how some rich guys use girls. CandyMan never runs out of ideas when comes to treating women around him in the worst way possible. We guess people have more than one reason to hate a person when he or she starts using people (irrespective of gender) this way. And, what about those people who let things like these happen to them?

4.One Picture that Shows a Women Being Used in a Pretty Awkward Way
Eating food even in golden plates is too mainstream for this rich guy. So, he always comes up with bizarre ideas like these, and shares them on his Instagram page. This is probably one of the many bizarre reasons why you should be millionaire. You can do whatever you want to do, and still carry on doing what you like irrespective of what people think!

5.Dog Doesn't Seems to be Very Excited About Those Pricey Ornaments
Some of us may think pets live happier in a millionaires' houses. This is not true in most cases. A happy pet is the one that spends most of its time with its owner. Unfortunately, millionaires are too busy to spend quality time with their pets. Pets may get best food, best beds, and best toys to play with, but nothing makes them happier than spending time with their human parents. This facial expression of Beynon's dog tells you the story. And yes, they are golden sneakers!

6.His Way of Chilling out With His Ladies
This guy's mansion is full of ladies. He auditions and hires best looking models and keeps them in his cool mansion, calling them 'goddesses'. Well, they may be called goddesses, but you already know what they do at his mansion. Some say he do all these things to become Hugh Hefner of Australia.

7.Flaunting His Fleet of Cars
Yes, all of them are his cars! People don't hate him for having so many cars. They only dislike him because he keeps showing them. Each and every photo of his on his Instagram page shows his grand and lavish lifestyle. Millionaires!!! Love them, hate them, but you simply can't ignore them.

8.One of the Two Ladies is His Wife
What can you expect from people except hate when you put your wife on a leash and leading her around a mansion? CandyMan doesn't like it when people hate him. He says he hardly cares about what people say to him though. One of the two ladies there is his wife Taesha. Guess what? She has no problems with such treatment whatsoever.

9.With His Goddesses
Beynon is an Australian, but there is an American guy too who keeps flaunting his lavish lifestyle on Instagram. His name is Dan Bilzerian. People like Beynon and Bilzerian are rich, but not as rich as what common people may think they are. Travers Beynon a.k.a. CandyMan's net worth is said to be around $50 million. American rapper and songwriter Nicki Minaj's net worth is $75 million.

10.In His Private Jet With His Ladies on Leash
Well, he seems like he is deep into BDSM stuff. Many people, especially women, slam this guy for this particular behavior. As you have seen before, he even put his wife on leash. CandyMan have some fans too. His fans are those who see private jet and hot chicks in the first place, and say most people behave same if they are rich!

11.He Wants You to See the Car in the Back
That's a great looking car in the back! So, why do you guys think this guy is doing all these? Travers Beynon is not 'born rich' guy. He made all the fortune on his own. You can't be dumb and millionaire at the same time. He may be doing this to promote his tobacco business 'First Choice Tobacconist'. It is illegal in Australia to advertise a tobacco business. He may even want to become Hugh Hefner of Australia. If reports around the internet are to be believed, he may come up with a reality television show soon.

12.This is a Daily Routine at His Mansion
His fans say he is simply doing what most men want to do. While we agree that men love beer and women, we don't think most of them would use the way Beynon uses them. Many people have problem with his attitude, including grandparents of his wife. His wife's grandparents are unhappy seeing their granddaughter sharing her bed with other women.

13.Showing off His Collection of Shoes
This guy is no less than an average Facebook user who shares anything and everything on his or her Facebook wall. Along with these premium shoes, he also owns a pair of golden shoes. You have seen them before in one of the posts where his pet dog was seen wearing them. Golden shoes! Why not when you can afford them?

14.With His Wife Taesha
He married twice. He first married Miss World 1991 Ninibeth Leal and divorced her back in 2008. He then married his long time girlfriend Taesha. Beynon is father of four children. His girlfriend also lives with him in his home, along with his wife. He is also a former model and AFL player. He keeps telling that he is a family man.

15.You Will Hate Him for This and You Can't Help it
Even people like Dan Bilzerian hate him for acts like these. Many people including celebrities openly criticized Travers Beynon for his oppressive attitude towards women. He never cared anything and continues being active on Instagram. What's your take on this guy? While millionaires like him do whatever they want, they also need to make sure they stay away from doing morally incorrect things.

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