15 Things You Probably Don't Know About Harry Potter Movies
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 4:17 pm
Harry Potter book series is one of the most popular book series ever. The Harry Potter movies, which were made based on the Harry Potter books are highly popular as well and have collected billions of dollars for the producers. Although we may not read another Harry Potter book, or watch another film, the Harry Potter series is still alive as a new theater play named 'Harry Potter & the Cursed Child,' which will be released on July 31, 2016. The play will be performed at Palace Theatre, London. It will be available in a digital downloadable format for the international fans. Until the play is released, here is some Harry Potter feed for the Potter-fan brains! You will love these fifteen mind blowing Harry Potter facts.
1.Harry Potter Gringotts' Coins
To make fake money, you have to spend money; and that's exactly what the producers of Harry Potter did. For Gringotts' bank coin collection scene in Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows Part 2, approximately 210,000 coins were created. If real money could be created this easy, then the US economy wouldn't be so bad.

2.Harry Potter Movie Credits
Harry Potter, the character, may be funny-looking, but the movie itself is fantasy. To liven things up a bit, the creators decided to have a little fun with the credits.At the end of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the credits read, "No dragons were harmed in the making of this movie." They didn't harm any dragons, but those poor lice were exterminated during filming of the Chamber of Secrets.

3.Lice Outbreak
Even with all of the supposed magicians on-set, none of them were able to make a certain creepy crawler disappear. During the filming of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, a lice outbreak occurred among the children cast members As a result; nurses had to be added to the payroll. Every morning, before shooting began, the children had to undergo lengthy checks to make sure they were lice-free.

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