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24 Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 4:31 pm

We all love watching movies, They are one of the best past time activities.Read More (+)
4.Magic windshields

Well these are some magic windshields as they can repair themselves on the move. How cool would it be if they could do that for real as it would stop us having to wait on them coming to fix it for us.

Magic windshields-24 Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed

5.Magic bullet holes

So how did the wall know where they would fire the bullets? That is a magic wall since it just ends up making the bullet holes before a shot is fired, but then it also shows a lack of confidence in them being able to actually hit their intended target.

Magic bullet holes-24 Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed

6.Vanishing suspenders

Well this is a bit awkward because it appears as if there is a case of some vanishing suspenders in Titanic. However, when you consider what the movie is all about this does end up being the least of their worries.

Vanishing suspenders-24 Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed

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