24 Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 4:31 pm
We all love watching movies, They are one of the best past time activities.… Read More (+)
22.The magic props
Little did we realize that Brad Pitt is not only an actor, but he is also a magician. In Oceans Eleven he manages to turn a glass into a plate and then into a glass again and boy is that one clever trick to pull off.

23.Ahoy there cameraman
Well this is certainly something that only the eagle eyed would spot because as you can see in this still there is a member of the crew in the background. How this managed to sneak into the movie is unknown.

24.Wrong date
Well this is certainly a mistake that only the most ardent of car enthusiasts would pick up on because how can they be driving a car from 2013 when the movie is about 2010? This is a real basic error from them and one that could so easily have been avoided.

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