15 Images That Show Incredible Transformation Of A Woman Weighing Over 1000 Pounds
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 3:31 pm
By:James Fraser
Many of us already know how difficult it is to lose weight. Losing just a few pounds require a lot of effort in terms of diet and exercise. Now, imagine what effort one needs to put in if they have to lose over 800 pounds in a span of two years. Meet Mayra Rosales, a 35 year old Texas resident, who once weighed over 1000 pounds, now looks better than many of us! This is an incredible story of a morbidly obese woman who lost over 800 pounds to find her lost life again. If her story doesn't inspire you in losing weight, you may never be able to lose your weight in life.
7.Her First Walk After a Long Time
Mayra received a series of surgeries including a bypass surgery. Doctors have performed surgeries to remove fat and even excess skin phase by phase. Finally, at one good point, Mayra was able to walk with help of support. As you can see in the picture, she stood up and walked with her feet and legs after a very long time.


8.She Got into a Shape Where She Can Exercise and Eat Good Food to Lose Weight
With series of surgeries, doctors were able to bring Mayra body to a position where she can do exercising to lose weight furthermore. She was put on a balanced diet. She said she was very happy to exercise. As you can see in the image, she wasn't really morbidly obese at that point of time.

9.Almost There!
Mayra changed her eating habits drastically. She started eating healthy. Before she used to eat uncontrollably, which is one of the main reasons why she put a lot of weight. In an interview, she told that she used to live to eat before, where as now, she is only eating to stay alive. In this picture, you can clearly see she looks very normal. This is an incredible transformation!

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