15 Innovations That Are Super Genius
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 8:49 pm
By:James Fraser
Anyone can innovate including you. In most cases, innovating is all about finding a solution to an existing problem. Different people try different methods to address problems. What would it be like to take the innovative route to addressing a problem? Check out 15 cool innovations that are nothing short of genius.
1.This Automatic Drill that can become a Powerful Household Cleaner
This is smart way to deal with problems. Why waste hours together to clean when you can actually do it fast and effortlessly with this intelligent ‘drill machine cleaner’. For quick, powerful and instant cleaning, attach brush to an automatic drilling machine as shown in the figure.

2.Best Car Air-Conditioner Ever
If your car’s air-conditioner is not working, what will you do? You will call a serviceman or take your car to an expert. But the car owner in this picture decided to build his own air conditioner that works even more powerfully than a conventional car air-conditioner. This person is taking innovation to an all new level.

3.Natural Air Conditioner
What’s better than a fresh and natural breeze? This little fan is nicely stealing all the coolness and fresh breeze from outside, and sneaking it inside. This is an intelligent way to cool a room. Why have air conditioners when you have genius ideas like these.

4.Smart Way to Shit Comfortably
People, especially those who are into texting, video watching, game playing etc in toilets will appreciate this cheap yet great innovation. Even when life’s hard, one can happily sit on this ‘toilet chair’ for a long time without much discomfort. Good hack, there.

5.Why Buy Headlamps When You Have Flashlights
They may not be as powerful as a car headlamp, but they are okay to have when driving with no headlamps at all. The owner of this car used two flashlights to replace his failed car headlamps. This isn’t a great solution, but is a damn good fix.

6.Sp’right Shower Head
This is another smart innovation that proves innovation is not a complex thing, when you have the right mindset. This cool bottle shower-head saves time and even money. It may not work like those pricey shower heads, but it will get the job done.

7.Flip it Reverse to Make it an Induction Plate
Take a look at this image and guess what exactly is happening there. Yes, you have got that right. It is an iron. Apparently a iron can boil milk or do basic cooking when used like this. You can try, but be very careful!

8.No Tractor? No Problem!
Where there is a will, there is a way. When there is no tractor, there is a car. It is not about how you do it. It is all about getting the job done. See how nicely this old man ploughs his field using a car. This is interesting and inspiring at the same time.

9.Don’t Know How to Use Chopsticks? Try This!
It looks like someone was fed up with using chopsticks. This is a great way to enjoy a noodle recipe without needing to use chopsticks. This kitchen innovation looks a little rough. It is most likely a redneck invention.

10.Never Get Close to the Sink Wall Again
Is the faucet in your sink too short? Would you love more room for your hands in the sink, so they don’t touch its wall? If your answer is yes, this little innovation is for you. You need no more than an empty hand-wash bottle to extend water flow from the faucet. It is a very good innovation, right?

11.No Swimming Pool Ladder? No Problem!
This is innovation in its simplest form. As we said, innovation is not all about inventing something new out of scratch, but making common sense work at the right time. Exactly how, this pool had a quick fix in the form of a step stool, when the ladder was found missing.

12.Who Needs a Dough Roller, When There is a Whisky Bottle
Do you know what a dough roller and a whisky bottle have in common? Even we don’t know. Jokes aside, this whisky bottle dough roller is a cool kitchen innovation. There is no way an item can go unused, if you know how to use it.

13.A Boat Made Using Empty Drums
Now, this is called a genius innovation. The man in the picture or whoever built this cool boat seriously knows how to innovate. This boat looks cool, and even comfortable for a water ride under the sun.

14.When Bike Gets a Steering Wheel
After watching this picture, many people hope to lose their bike handle so they can fit one cool ‘steering wheel’ like this on theirs. This innovation looks funny and insane. Imagine someone riding this bike, and you will start laughing. Nevertheless, good thinking there.

15.Enjoying a Hot Shower the Primitive Way
Don’t invest in any pricey water heaters or geysers for a hot shower. This is the easiest, cheapest and funniest way to enjoy a quick hot shower. This DIY water heating system is another insane innovation you don’t see every day. We aren’t sure if this one really works the way it was intended to, but it looks cool and interesting.

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