15 Most Embarrassing Things Witnessed By Doctors In Their Office
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 2:01 pm
By:James Fraser
The life of a doctor is not easy. When we think of doctors, we think of money they make from patients. Most of us don't understand the stress and pain they go through every day. A single mistake can cost them badly, while we all do many mistakes in our daily work life. Imagine a sick person puking on you! Now read these fifteen most embarrassing things witnessed by doctors in their office!
1.This Embarrassment Caused by Phone
"I was at my psychiatrist's office. I take out my phone to google something — turns out the last thing I watched was porn. Really LOUD PORN. So that shit turned on... and it scared me so much that I dropped my phone under my seat. So the soundtrack in the waiting room was a woman moaning."
Let's hope this person was not seeing psychiatrist for porn addiction treatment!

2.Who Let the Gas Out?
"I farted during a gyno exam, like when her face was right there."
It can be very embarrassing! If you have a vagina, and if you ever visit a gynecologist, you already know that situations can be volatile! Doctors know that well too! What can you do stop that from happening? Don't eat Mexican food a day or two before a obg-gyn visit!

3.Shit Happens!
"I went to the ER because I had a terrible stomach virus. I was in a lot of pain and couldn't control my bowels, but the doctor ordered a CT scan because he thought I might have a gallstone. I was already doped up on morphine when they put me in the scanner. I realized I had to fart and ended up pooping my pants while being scanned. The tech saw me literally shit myself and caught it on camera..."
Life can be tough! As we said, shit happens!

4.This Guy Who Puked Everywhere
"I was feeling unwell, and the doctor put the flat wooden stick on my tongue to check my throat. He put it too far. My gag reflex ignited and his desk, MacBook, clothes, chair, wall, and floor... They were coated completely in vomit."
Doctors know that they have to deal with something like this frequently. They know people will puke at them when they stick something up their throat. They don't care! That's the life of a doctor. They are kind enough not to get angry on you, and rich enough to buy one new Macbook everyday!

5.This Girl Who Doesn't Mind Allowing Foreign Objects into Her Anus
"I woke up from anesthesia after my first colonoscopy and was talking to my friend (apparently very loudly). I thought the doctor was really cute and told her 'I'd let that doctor into my ass again any day of the week!' Turns out he was right behind me. It led to a very awkward post-procedure checkup."
We only hope she will not visit that doctor again for yet another colonoscopy!

6.This Patient Who Kicked Her Doctor in Nuts
"I was having a breast lump checked out (turned out to be a cyst) and had taken my top off while I sat on the table. As I swung my legs up so I could lay flat, I caught the doctor in the nuts with my foot. I spent the whole exam laughing, because that's what I do in awkward situations, while he examined my boobs, clearly in quite considerable pain."
Never ever kick a man in his nuts. NEVER! Whether he is a Doctor or a thief!

7.This Eye Patient Who is Also a Potential Ear Patient
"I made an appointment because I suspected I had pink eye, and was scheduled with a doctor I had never seen before. He had a VERY thick accent, and after taking a quick look at me he said, 'Take off your blouses!' to which I gave him a very shocked look. I reached down to take off my hoodie. He gave me a confused look back and said, 'No, no' — pointing to my eyes — 'your GLASSES.'"
If she blames his thick accent, we blame her common sense. No one shows their tits to an ophthalmologist, unless one has a third eye on breasts!

8.This Man Who Made a Mess
"After six hours without a break into my wife's labor, I really needed to pee. There was a bathroom 10 feet away and I excused myself, saying, 'I'll be RIGHT back, I promise!' I had just dropped my drawers when my wife let out a bloodcurdling scream. By reflex, I whirled around and ran out the door, clutching at my pants, still around my knees. I collided with a nurse in the hall and we went down. A second nurse came in to find me on top of the nurse (in front of my screaming wife), my derriere exposed to the world."
Well, this is funny and truly awkward!

9.This Lady Who Was Caught Stealing Kids' Band-Aids
"The doctor walked in right as I was shoving a bunch of Band-Aids into my purse from the drawer. He looked at me and said, 'Those are for the kids!' I was so embarrassed I said, 'OK, fine. I'll put them back."
Let's talk about her thief instincts, not band-aids!

10.This Girl Who Took 'Law' Into Her Own Hands
"I was at the OB-GYN earlier this year and it was the first time I received an internal sonogram. When the nurse left the room, I thought I had to put the wand in myself, so I did, no lube on it at all. The nurse walked back in as I swung the cord over the stirrups (wand still inside me) trying to sit on the chair. I've never been more embarrassed in my life."
Damn girl, that wasn't a dildo!

11.This Girl Who Turned White Sheets to Brown
"I had diarrhea one time and I had to lie on the [hospital] bed. The doctor came and checked my heart rate, and then she pressed on my stomach, which triggered me shitting all over the bed's white covers. I had to walk to the bathroom down the hall in shame to clean myself."
If you are suffering from constipation, you have a tip/trick to steal from here!

12.This Girl Who Showed Her Thong to Her Friend's Dad
"I was asked to put on a gown so the doctor could check my spinal symmetry. Underwear choice for the exam: black lace thong. My classmate's dad is my pediatrician. Needless to say, I will never go over to their house again."
She is never going to their hospital as well.

13.This Over Excited Guy
"When I was in college I went in for an STD screening. I got aroused during the screening and ejaculated on the doctor and nurse. I. Was. Mortified."
Now that's a serious case of premature ejaculation.

14.Another Over Excited Guy Who Di*kslapped His Dermatologist
"I got aroused at the dermatologist because he was running his hands all over my body doing a mole check. When he pulled down my underwear, I kinda dickslapped him."
We hope nothing 'serious' happened to the doctor there, as the patient says he was 'aroused' by a male doctor's touch.

15.This Guy Who Scared His Doctor
"My husband went to the doctor for his knee, which was achy and clicking. The doctor assured him it wasn't anything serious by saying, 'If you were to feel my knee, it does the same thing.' So [my] husband slowly reaches out and puts his hand on the doctor's knee. Cue awkward silence for a few seconds until the doc said, 'Please don't touch my knee,' and my husband left the room in mortified silence!"

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