15 Genius Life Hacks You Must Know
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 4:31 pm
By:James Fraser
Are you frequently running into embarrassing situations? Do you think you are not cool enough to deal with everyday life problems? Conquer the problems and live life like a boss with these simple and amazing life hacks. A must read list for everyone! You are sure to learn something new and fascinating. Let's say you are drunk and need to go back to your home. How will you go back home for free? Read below to find out and some more cool life hacks.
10.Take a Picture of Flat Tire and Save it in the Phone
It doesn't happen every day. If you ever get a flat tire, don't forget to take a picture of it. You can use the picture anytime in future as an excuse!

11.When Buying Embarrassing Things
Simply buy a birthday card along with that embarrassing thing. Store people automatically think you are gifting that to someone else.

12.Easiest Way to Reread an Essay
Copy and paste the essay to Google Translate. Listen to it as the Google reads it out. Carefully listen to see if there are any mistakes.

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