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Hilarious Email Blunders

Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 1:12 pm

1.Emails Can Be Undone

We all make mistakes, this apology might be a little more professional than most. It seems then mistakenly sent emails can be rectified after-all?


Perhaps this email stalker should understand that after 6 months and 15 emails this person really is not interested and this has been filed under the wrong List.

3.What A Cheek

I guess we have to make the best of the hand we are dealt? That is a definite if you ask Ajani Erkson because surely that has to be one of the most unfortunate email addresses possible?

4.Business and Pearl Jam

Not the greatest email if you consider that it is a business email and has been sent to a distribution list. Highly unprofessional.

5.Check the Forward Button First

Always check who you are adding onto your forward list. It really can get sticky and it can also end up really annoying anybody and everybody that gets dragged into it.

6.A Teacher Wrote this?

It is no wonder our kids cannot spell. Hopefully this was not an English teacher. Hopefully this person resigns from any teaching at all.

7.Those Pesky Scam Mails

Of course Yahoo is free. Always avoid emails that offer a link for credit card transactions and updates. This scam catches people everyday, but the ones linked to some Nigerian prince are always hilarious.


8.To Whom?

When sending an email to Rick try not to send it to Jack. Or maybe it was an email to Jack and they called him Rick? Confused? So are Rick and Jack.

9.The Tough World Of Hacking

Well this email conversation is certainly different from the norm, but it is still funny when you read every part of it. You do wonder what the threats would actually involve though.


10.Emails at a Glance

What would happen if someone else chanced upon this email? No doubt they'd change their view of poor old Marc. The item was in fact a cocktail shaker.

11.Pay In Kind

Some mails are just too hilarious for words. He might have a point, perhaps his spider would sell for $233.95. It could take a long lawsuit and months to find out before this company knows for sure!



Whoever received this CV from a Vanessa might have been pretty shocked to see a grinning Nicolas Cage at the bottom. Mistakes do happen.


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