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Most Amazing Extinct Animals

Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 12:42 pm


This guy looks rather cool and it is a real shame that he is now on the extinct list. This animal is a form of zebra, but it looks as if the stripes were only half finished since they only cover the front part of the body. Sadly we hunted them to extinction over 100 years ago.

2.Haast's eagle

This is merely a model, but it is a life size replica, so it gives you an indication as to the size of the wing span of this eagle. Indeed, it is recognized as having been the biggest bird of its kind to ever exist and imagine this swooping down on you. How terrifying would that be?

3.Chinese river dolphin

The correct name for this dolphin is Baiji and sadly they became extinct relatively recently. Everybody loves a dolphin as they always seem to be that happy with everything, but due to over hunting this sub-species has now vanished, which is a shame considering how cool they were.

4.Falkland island wolf

The mere mention of the word wolf is often enough to set people off and get them worried about encountering them. They were discovered by Charles Darwin who predicted they would not last long and he was correct as they were extinct within 40 years. This guy here is merely a relative.

5.Great Auk

You are correct in thinking that this is like a penguin because there are clear similarities. The interesting part is that the word penguin was actually used as a nickname for them and this was before penguins had been discovered. In actual fact they are not related.


This was a huge antelope that lived in Europe, but we were not to blame for them going extinct. Studies have shown that they were already endangered in the 1600's, but we know that their numbers dropped around 2000 years ago, so it was not down to us that this rather magnificent looking animal died out.

7.Golden Toad

The color of this toad really was amazing, but the sad part is that we only knew of its existence for a few decades. In actual fact they were first seen in the mid 60's but thanks to climate change they were declared extinct in 1989.



If you ask somebody to name an extinct animal most people will go for the mammoth. It is just something that we seem to be drawn to and you can understand why when you think of the size of the thing. They are massive, but they were more than likely quite docile and peaceful.


This is the animal that the modern day cow comes from, but it was certainly bigger in every conceivable way compared to what we are used to. They really were massive and they were alive on this earth for around two million years, so it is a shame that they have been extinct for hundreds of years now.


10.Japanese river otter

This is quite sad because this river otter has not been extinct for too long. Indeed, scientists finally gave up trying to find any only in 2012 although one has not been seen since 1979 with this being put down to hunting.


When it comes to extinct animals this has to be one of the best and most famous and indeed it has even worked its way into a saying and folklore. This has been extinct for some time, but there are stuffed examples all over the place, so at least we know what they look like.


12.Tasmanian Tiger

Well this is certainly one strange looking animal that is now sadly extinct. It just looks, and is, vicious, but it is the stripes on it that really take you back because is just feels as if they do not go with the rest of the animal.


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