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News Stories That Would Break The Internet If True

Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 3:12 pm

#4 If Armageddon Happens

Every time there is something amiss in the world, people say that it's a sign of the end times. Armageddon (not to be confused with the movie) refers to the site of battle during end times, where God will return to fight the anti-christ and the devil. This is a concept believed by many Christians and religiousfolk. According to Christian beliefs, just before Armageddon takes place, humans will be raptured; meaning that some will be left behind while others will descend into heaven. If Armageddon does happen, the internet will be the first place people attempt to go to get information before the earth is demolished.

If Armageddon Happens-News Stories That Would Break The Internet If True


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