Pitbull Family
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 3:08 am
Erjon Necaj
#1 Operation Positive Pit Bull Series Featuring A Hero Named Milo
Operation positive pit bull series featuring a hero named Milo
Back in 2010, on Easter Sunday, Milo proved himself a hero to the McComsey family. Milo, who was just over 3-years-old at the time, was deeply bonded to the family's son. On this particular day, the teenage boy was having issues with his friends. Unfortunately, after several conversations on the phone, the 15-year-old boy made a troubling declaration, stating that he had no more friends, not even his best friend. Moments went by and the troubled teen locked himself in the bathroom. The boy's mother, Barb McComsey, describes what transpired next: Milo came out of my sons room and began pawing at the door. Milo then began to howl and claw at the bottom of the door. I ran to the locked door, grabbed a flat head screwdriver and popped the lock. My son had tried to take his life, but Milo alarmed me that something was wrong. Milo's actions had saved my son's life. Milo sensed a problem with his person and made it his mission to get to the troubled teen. Thanks to Milo's dedication to "his boy," a life was saved. Barb McComsey believes in this big-hearted breed and has stated: I would never own another breed of dog. They are wonderful.

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