Pornstars With And Without Make Up
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 11:33 am
1.Christy Mack
This is quite a rare one in that you do see a difference in her appearance before and after makeup, but because of everything else that is going on you would still recognize her. Of course that us due to her tattoos and hair, but overall she is better than some of the others.

2.Puma Swede
Would you actually recognize her if you stood next to her in a queue with how she looks in the top right image? There is a pretty good chance that you would have no idea you were standing next to one of the biggest porn stars out there right now.

3.Jada Stevens
The pasty faced girl on the left looks like she needs a good cry and a cup of coffee. Next minute she turns into a sultry sex object that is good enough to eat. She even has the little growl look on her face and sexy flashing dark brown eyes.

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