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Simple Halloween Costumes You Can Make Within A Day

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 9:34 pm

What's your costume for this Halloween? If you have not yet decided what to wear for this Halloween, check all these fifteen pictures that show you simple Halloween costumes that can be made in a day, if not, in few hours! These costumes are perfect to those who hate spending big time or money on making Halloween costumes, but still want to wear some that stand out.
1.Tinder Halloween Costume

This simple yet beautiful Tinder costume is an instant attention grabber. You can make one for you in no time. All you need is a white shirt and some construction paper. Use a printer to print Tinder logo (name) and flame icon. Print 'X', '<3' (heart) symbol, your name and age on paper, and cut it neatly as seen in the picture.

Tinder Halloween Costume-Simple Halloween Costumes You Can Make Within A Day

2.The Sims Plumbob/Diamond Halloween Costume

This is yet another simple and beautiful Halloween costume that is sure to fetch you some compliments. You need a paper green diamond, headband and some glue to make this costume. In the second picture, you can see some instructions on how to make Sims plumbob or diamond using paper. If you think it is too complicated to make, you can buy one from Etsy or eBay. If you want to be a naked Sim, you can also make and hang those cardboards with 'censor squares' glued or printed on them.

The Sims Plumbob/Diamond Halloween Costume-Simple Halloween Costumes You Can Make Within A Day

The Sims Plumbob/Diamond Halloween Costume-Simple Halloween Costumes You Can Make Within A Day

3.Beanie Baby Toy Halloween Costume

Beanie Babies are a line of stuffed animal toys made by Ty, Inc, which are very popular in US. Why not become a beanie baby toy for this Halloween? Will you try? It is very easy to make a beanie baby costume. You need an animal-printed jumpsuit, a cardboard sheet to make 'Ty' logo, and some make up or colors to put whiskers on face. Check the picture, and dress exactly how the lady dressed there. There is good scope for experimenting here.

Beanie Baby Toy Halloween Costume-Simple Halloween Costumes You Can Make Within A Day

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