12 Worst Christmas Decorations Ever
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 9:16 am
Tony Williams
People spend a lot of money and put in a significant effort to decorate their homes beautifully for Christmas. From handpicking Christmas tree to decorating it with lights and ornaments, different people show off their creativity in a variety of ways. Some individuals, however, take the most outrageous path when it comes to Xmas decoration! They adorn their properties in the most inappropriate and worst way possible. Take a look at these 12 worst Christmas decorations that once again prove there are always two kinds of people in this world! Nevertheless, they are hilarious!
#1 Peeing Santa Lights
Anyone who celebrates Christmas has at least one Santa decoration either inside or outside of their home. This Santa decoration is an eye grabber, but not in a positive way. Some crude individual took a jolly light-up Santa and attached a string of lights to its cr0tch to make it seem like he's peeing off the side of the roof. Try explaining this concept to little Timmy who is learning how to use the potty.
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