15 Reasons Why People Cheat In A Relationship
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 7:20 am
By:James Fraser
The concept of cheating is very complex. Some people cheat because they are… Read More (+)
7.Thrill and Curiosity
Curiosity! Most of us love and seek thrills in life. Some people, however, see cheating as an adventure. They find cheating as an out of the box experience.
8.Falling in Love with Someone Else
Being in a relationship doesn't stop your mind from getting attracted to people, or falling in love with them. When a person finds that one missing trait in that third person, they eventually fall for them.
9.They are Selfish
Some people are selfish. All they want is their happiness, and hardly care about the feelings of their partner. If selfish people find someone better, they happily cheat or dump their current partner.
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