15 People Reveal The Hilarious Reasons They Got Into A Fight
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 1:23 pm
By:James Fraser
Some people are naturally aggressive and need no significant reason to fight. You would often see such people on public transport or at shopping malls. They aren't great at fighting either. They just love showing their dominance over others. And yes, dealing with such people can be challenging. At some point in our lives, we too were involved in a fight or two. Do you remember any such fight from your younger days which make you cringe now? I'm sure there are many. Likewise, We have fifteen people here who shared the funny reasons why they got into a fight. Some of these are very dumb but which fight isn't?
1.This Silly Fight
I got into a fight with someone who said I was holding a pencil wrong. He Googled it. I bitterly defended myself. I heatedly vented to my mom. I found out I have a held a pencil wrong for my whole life.

2.Fight Over A Fart At A Bar
3.Comforting A Girl, When Suddenly
My friend tried to comfort a crying girl at a bar. She said her BF was an ass. BF was there, heard it, and thought we were trying to pick up his girl. Bar fight ensued.

4.This Boyfriend Who Pissed Off A Girl
Me and a girl were doing a 500 piece puzzle. I snagged a piece and put it in my pocket. When she was looking on the floor for the last one, I pulled it out and spiked it into place. Didn't talk for two days.

5.This Not So Intelligent Quarrel
Walking home from a bar one night I saw a first fight erupt over the police car sitting at the gas station was a Ford or a Holden… Needless to say, the police that the car belonged to came out eventually to stop the dumbness.

6.When Friends Fight
My best friend couldn't handle my trash-talking during beer pong. So we went outside, fought, and hugged it out before going back in. We won the next game together.

7.A Couple's Fight Over Not Getting Into Any Fights
I was on fertility medicine which causes like, super PMS hormonal stuff to happen and I yelled at my sweet loving husband, for being too nice because I wanted to fight and he was being so sweet that there was nothing to fight about. So we fought about that.

8.The Sibling Fight
My brother and I ended up fist fighting over whether to shampoo before or after you scrub your body.

9.This Hilarious Roommates' Fight
Got into a fight with an old roommate because my laptop was plugged into the bottom plug instead of the top… #WTF

A kid at a party took my case of bud and started pouring it over his Cheerios and calling them "Beerios" and laughing.

11.Playing King Of The Hills
12.Boyfriend Got Upset For A Strange Reason
Because the boyfriend got upset that I didn't think a comedian he liked was funny… who's the chick now bruh?!

13.The Tag Team Fight
I got drunk and bet a guy five bucks he couldn't punch me in the face; we ended up WWE tag team fighting two guys who made fun of me while I was paying for him. Now we are best friends!

14.A Funny Fight At A Golf Course
15.A Hilarious Political Fight
I saw two girls fight because one was a Mitt Romney supporter and the other was an Obama supporter. They were both white girl wasted and didn't really know who either candidate was anyways.

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