Top Turn Ons For Women
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 5:28 pm
10.Genuine Smile
There are a lot of swindlers and prankster out there in the world and women have to deal with them constantly. Fellas, keep the slick Rick, sly grin for the alley girls. Most women love a smile that shows a sexy warmth, without too many things up its sleeve. A smile can reveal a real heart that this world desperately needs.
11.Nice Eyes
The captivating gaze of that special someone is sure to set woman's hearts ablaze. The eyes are the windows to the soul, and that's just what women wanna see. Get down to business. Show what is behind the mask. Lay it out on the table. Friendly and nice, or mysterious and dangerous, women are dying to see.
For women, it's all about a good kiss to get their pilot lit. A man who knows how to kiss can make his way further along in the ocean of women. Women need that romance and sweet kisses fill them up with that good old loving feeling. Soft or more aggressive, you have to feel the woman out and they will let you.
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