12 Ways To Tell If Your Partner Is Cheating On You
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 4:04 pm
First of all, I really wish you never get cheated in a relationship. This article is not meant to make you feel insecure in any way. Although cheaters are very few, You may be surprised to know the person you trusted all your life was actually cheating on you the entire time. So how can one find out if their partner is cheating on them? Well, There are many pointers you must not ignore which are listed down below. Again, I'm not trying to scare you or make you feel insecure; This article is for all the people out there who are unsure if their partner is cheating on them.
10.Dodgy cell phone habits
Does your partner have a habit of answering their phone by going out of the room or when they think that they are alone? Sure there are some occasions where this can be completely innocent, but when it goes on repeatedly then you have to wonder if they have something to hide.

11.Multiple email accounts
It should really be a concern to you if you discover that your partner has a number of different email accounts and each one has a different password. Why would they do this? Clearly having a work one and a personal one is fine, but do they need multiple personal emails? This has to be seen as suspicious activity on their part.

12.No messages
When a partner cheats they ensure that their message box is empty. This also extends to their mailbox and it is clearly because they feel as if they need to remove certain pieces of evidence. However, this is only a concern to you if you know they are never off their phone.

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