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Worst Wedding Dresses

Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 9:18 pm

1.Boxing dress

In this corner, weighing in at one hundred and three pounds is the bride, trying desperately to keep a straight face as she takes the advice of her father, a lifelong boxing fan, and tries to work boxing gloves and a canvas into her attire. A good idea if you really don't want to disappoint daddy.

Boxing dress-Worst Wedding Dresses

2.Never ending dress

This is a magnificent look for the woman who likes the keep ahead of the trends. Five states ahead, in fact. Staying ahead of the dress might be a good idea as well if you don't want to be buried alive. I don't know what the fabric is, but it better be cheap.

Never ending dress-Worst Wedding Dresses star wedding

The look in this woman's eye -- however sexy -- is not necessarily the look the groom wants to see on the wedding day. It's the look of a woman thinks the dress she's wearing is just fine. And it's the look of a woman who's not used to still wearing clothes this late in the evening.

porn star wedding-Worst Wedding Dresses

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