15 Images That Show Striking Differences Between Kids In 90s And Kids Today
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 3:15 pm
By:James Fraser
Of all the generations, 90s and pre 90's kids are lucky, as they have enjoyed technology as well as traditional lifestyle. Though technology is there from a long time, it starts to bud and spread to global consumers in a large scale only from 90s onwards. Life of people, especially kids, is lot different in 90s than today. Here are fifteen images that show striking difference between 90s kids and kids these days.
13.Family Time: Then and Now
Back in 90s, families used to spend quality time. The bonding within the family was usually great, and kids used to respect their parents way better than today's kids. The first and second pictures tell you how families were used to be in 90s, and how they are in 2015. Most families today are a mess.

14.Classrooms: Then and Now
Back in 90s, classrooms in school look something like that you see in the first picture. Classrooms used to have lots of banners, notes and many subject related objects and cool educational and informational goodies. These days classrooms look more like advanced scientific labs with technology replacing everything from sticky notes to blackboard.


15.Music: Then and Now
90s kids grew up listening to music of Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, Nirvana and few other top pop stars. Be it pop or rap, music in 90s was so great that we listen to those classics even today. Most of the music produced today is junk, except a few exceptionally talented singers who come up with good songs occasionally.

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