15 Maps That Will Change The Way You See The World
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 9:34 pm
By:James Fraser
The last time when you saw a world map or atlas, you probably were in your high school. What are maps used for? Locate continents, countries, oceans etc? If you say yes, you are wrong! Maps are generally used to show a ton of useful information, which can be easily understood. Here are fifteen such maps that will change the way you see this world.
1.Blonde Hair Map
Have you ever wondered where in the world you can find blondes? It is pretty obvious that countries with more white population will have higher number of blondes. This map will give you an idea on spread of blondes around the world. You can also check the average hair color of different people living in different countries.

2.World Map Showing Cities with More than 100,000 Population
This is another interesting world map. Here, you can see different cities around the world that has more than 100,000 population. The bigger the black circle is, the more the population the city has. If you can't identify cities in this map, you can refer Google maps or a world map that has cities listed on it.

3.Map that Shows Population Density
Population density is a measurement of number of people living in a square kilometer of area. This map shows you countries with highest population density. As you can clearly see, China and India tops the world in terms of population density, while parts of Russia, Africa and Canada have the lowest population density. Approximately, 40% of the world population lives in China and India.

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