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15 Maps That Will Change The Way You See The World

Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 9:34 pm

The last time when you saw a world map or atlas, you probably were in your high school. What are maps used for? Locate continents, countries, oceans etc? If you say yes, you are wrong! Maps are generally used to show a ton of useful information, which can be easily understood. Here are fifteen such maps that will change the way you see this world.
13.World Map by Muhammad Al-Idrisi

Muhammed Al-Idrisi was a geographer and cartographer, who used to be at the court of King Roger II of Sicily. The Tabula Rogeriana, drawn by al-Idrisi for Roger II of Sicily in 1154, one of the most advanced ancient world maps. Modern consolidation, created from the 70 double-page spreads of the original atlas.

World Map by Muhammad Al-Idrisi-15 Maps That Will Change The Way You See The World

14.Map Showing Homicide Rates around Different Parts of the World

Homicide (murder) rate is very high in some countries, where as it's very low or zero in other countries. This map shows homicide rate in different countries and states within countries. The colors here indicate number of homicides per year per 100,000 of people. The homicide rate is very high in parts of Russia, South Africa, US and North America.

Map Showing Homicide Rates around Different Parts of the World-15 Maps That Will Change The Way You See The World

15.Map that Shows Difference Between Solar Time and Standard Time

'Time' is a confusing subject. There are two kinds of times: 1. Solar time and 2. Standard time. Solar time is time sun reaches the particular area, whereas standard time is set by countries. Countries like US has different standard time in different parts of the country. States in eastern part of country get their sun rise 3 hours before western US states. This creates confusion in people while traveling from East to west, unless they are used to it. This map shows difference between solar time and standard time around the world.

Map that Shows Difference Between Solar Time and Standard Time-15 Maps That Will Change The Way You See The World
While all these maps are little thought provoking, The Maps on this list are actually funny and informative, Did you know how US sees Europe and how Europeans see US? Check out 12 cool maps that you probably never learnt in your school.

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