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15 Silly Things We All Do Without Realizing

Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 7:22 pm

Everyone has a weird habit. We may not observe them keenly, but we do lots of strange things. Some of us talk to ourselves. Some just let random words split out of the mouth at inappropriate times. However, we all have some common weird habits that we do almost every day. Check these fifteen completely random and funny things we usually do, but don't straightaway admit! 
1.Rereading an Email

We redefine the meaning of proofreading. When we write an important mail, not only we proofread it hundred times but also put ourselves in the shoes of other person while reading it to make sure it doesn't sound something else to them.

Rereading an Email-15 Silly Things We All Do Without Realizing

2.When Someone Announces They are Having a Baby

You may congratulate them, but deep inside, you can't stop your mind from thinking about the two having sex! Yes, they had sex!!!

When Someone Announces They are Having a Baby-15 Silly Things We All Do Without Realizing

3.Saying Hello to Random Pets on Street

That awkward moment when you try to pet a random dog on the street, and the owner sees you right in your eyes with no smile or whatsoever! 

Saying Hello to Random Pets on Street-15 Silly Things We All Do Without Realizing

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