15 Weird Sex Laws In US
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 3:42 pm
By:James Fraser
Would you believe there are some states in United States where oral sex is illegal? United States is one of the world's greatest democracies, but if you dig deep into law book, you will find some crazy and bizarre laws. Some of these laws are still in effect, while others are void because of some federal laws. Each state in United has its own funny and bizarre sex laws! Here are fifteen weird sex laws in US we assume many people don't know.
4.Sex Toys are Illegal in Georgia
Yes, you heard it right! Sex toys are illegal in Georgia. This means even common sex toys like dildos are illegal there. Well, purchasing a sex toy can land people of Georgia in jail! As per the law, anything that's designed to stimulate human genitalia is considered illegal. It's still illegal to buy one online from other states!

5.In Iowa, Long Kisses are Illegal
There's a strange law in Iowa that restricts people to kiss only for five minutes or less. This means, if you are in Iowa, you can't kiss no longer than five minutes. Well, anything over five minutes is illegal and you may end up violating a law! You may break your kiss at 04:56 and continue kissing for another four minutes and few seconds!

6.Necrophilia is Legal is Louisiana
Oral sex is illegal in Louisiana, but one can engage in necrophilia as it's not illegal in the state. If you don't know what necrophilia is, let us tell you. Necrophilia is a sexual fetish towards dead bodies. In simple words, it means having sex with dead bodies. The picture is exactly our reaction when someone talks about necrophilia!

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