15 Weird Things That Can Happen Only In Japan
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 7:08 pm
By:James Fraser
If you think only Japanese game shows are weird, you are wrong. There are many things about Japan that are strange. The East Asian country has a distinct and unique culture that you don't usually find in other Asian countries. They have weird and unusual festivals. The food is different as well. Check out these fifteen pictures that show some weird and strange things happening in Japan.
1.A Game Where Sumo Wrestlers Make Babies Cry
In this weird game, sumo wrestlers hold babies in their hands and try to scare them by shaking them or making strange and scary noises. The sumo who manages to terrify a baby the most wins the title in the end.

2.Robots that Look Pretty Much Like Humans
Japanese are excellent at technology. You will find awesome yet creepy looking human-like robots only in Japan.

3.Japanese Capsule Hotels
You can find these beautiful capsule hotels in all major cities in Japan. These hotels charge $30 or up for a night. But don't try it if you have Claustrophobia.

4.Pikachu School Bus in Japan
If you ever go to Japan on a holiday trip, you are sure to find some interesting forms of Pikachu buses like the one you see in the picture.

5.Snail Spas
The snail facial massage is popular in many Asian countries including Japan. You pay $30 and let those snails move slowly on your face. Asian people believe that this snail massage can reduce acne.

6.These 'Forever Alone' Lap Pillows
These female lap pillows work great for all men who are single and keep failing to find a partner or enjoying sleeping on lap instead of a normal pillow. They look promising, though!

7.This Love towards Cicadas
She is Shoko Nakagawa, a famous TV personality in Japan. She has this weird love towards cicadas (jarflies).

8.Japanese Square Watermelons
Japanese are pretty good at bending nature! You can find square watermelons mostly in Japan, although they are uncommon in some other parts of the world.

9.Japan's Annual Penis Festival
People walk on streets parading a giant pink colored phallic statue to celebrate 'Kanamara Matsuri'. The legend being that a sharp-toothed demon hid inside the vagina of a woman and castrated penises of her partners. A blacksmith then created an iron phallus, which broke the demon's teeth. Since then, some sects of Japanese people celebrate the death of demon by parading a giant steel phallus.

10.Fruit Vending Machine
Have you ever seen a Fruit vending machine before? Here's one for you. Now this is some serious instant energy!

11.Modern Public Toilets
As seen in the picture, you can even control flushing sound. Oh man, that's so futuristic! Now compare these Japanese toilets to our public restrooms!

12.Rabbit Island, Japan
Love bunnies? There is an island in Japan that is full of rabbits. Yes, you find nothing there except hundreds of wild but very friendly rabbits. Every day hundreds of visitors flock this 'Okunoshima' island just to play with bunnies.

13.The Country is Home to Some Wild Sea Creatures
Japan is surrounded by Japan Sea, Okhotsk Sea, and the Pacific Ocean. The country is famous for strange sea creatures.

14.Japanese Food Vending Machine
That is one big food vending machine we all hope to have in our country! Vending machines like these are common in Japan. The vending machines are equipped with a built-in oven to keep food hot and fresh.

15.Kit Kat Flavors
The 'Land of Rising Sun' has tons of them. You need more than one break to enjoy a KitKat in Japan because they come in many flavors.

Japan is a great place to visit. Don't get baffled by what you see about Japan on the internet. They are weird, but they are very friendly and peace-loving people at the same time.
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