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15 Strangest Moments Ever Caught In Restrooms

Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 4:51 pm

It's not always that easy to use a public restroom. Many of us find it uncomfortable to use public restrooms for various reasons. At times you will find strange things happening in restrooms, or see people doing bizarre acts. Most of them are funny, while some of them can be frightening! Here are fifteen strangest moments ever in restrooms caught on cam.
7.Black Cock Spotted at a Public Bathroom

No, we don't mean what you think! What we are telling is that a black cock was spotted in a public bathroom. Oh, you want us to call it a rooster, or a cockerel? Fine, then! Here, in another funny bathroom moment, where a black rooster made a surprise visit to a bathroom! 

Black Cock Spotted at a Public Bathroom-15 Strangest Moments Ever Caught In Restrooms

8.Flush the Fish Back to the Sea

Now, we assume you don't feel safe even in bathroom! Well, this may not be a prank, as this can well happen in bathrooms, especially public bathrooms. All toilets are fitted with a mechanism like a simple filter to prevent rats or other rodents to move up. If it fails somehow, things like these will happen.

Flush the Fish Back to the Sea-15 Strangest Moments Ever Caught In Restrooms

9.Excuse Me Madam, You are in a Men's Toilet

Let's hope she's not pooping there! This drunk lady entered into a men's toilet. She didn't stop there, and she continued using men's urinal in the worst way possible. She even had an argument with someone who looks like a security person. Now imagine a man doing the same thing in a ladies toilet!

Excuse Me Madam, You are in a Men's Toilet-15 Strangest Moments Ever Caught In Restrooms

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