Male To Female Transformations
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 3:50 pm
This might come as surprise to many netizens that Bruce Jenner was not the first one to have a sex change. There had been many male to female transformations in recent years that no one talks about because they are not as much popular as the Kardashians. Here are 13 males who have undergone sex change operation to become a female for the rest of their life.
10.From Gangster to Luscious
All races and ethnic groups have their trans-gender population. Trans-gender is when an individual takes the final step. Or, final 'cut' as it is known. This beautiful black woman on the right is a far cry from the bandanna wearing gangster type she was before.

11.Cupid Bow Blotch
Even if transforming into a female is only for a short time, crossing over has been enjoyed for generations and knows no age limit. One of the give-away signs is a very sharp cupids bow drawn on with liner. A little softer with the lipstick might have served him better?

12.Curvy Rules!
Just like real life women in everyday life trans-gender males come in all shapes and sizes. This curvy soft skinned brunette once sported a beard and a bit of a beer belly. In his place is a soft bellied curvaceous woman many men would worship and admire.

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