15 Images That Will Give You Real Trust Issues
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 4:18 pm
By:James Fraser
We all have trust issues in one or the other way. Some of us will find it difficult to trust people, while others have issues in trusting the physical world around them. We aren't born with trust issues, as we get them at some point of our lives, because of some unfortunate incidents. Here are 15 images that show you how trust issues begin!
10.Even Hershey's is No Exception
Hershey's is one such company that many consumers have a blind trust towards its brand. What can Hershey's do to create trust issues in their customers? Well, they can create calcium fortified syrup with 0% calcium as you can see in the image! FDA even sent a warning letter to Hershey's over misleading product name.

11.Where is the Fingerprint Resistance?
Fingerprint resistance has grown in some importance over the past few years, as we see most of today's electronic brands tout fingerprint resistance as a feature. Fingerprint resistance is indeed a good feature, as long as you don't need to deal with things like you are seeing the picture. The product there claims it has fingerprint resistance, but we don't see any!

12.Product Made in China Including the American Flag
This is definitely not a Chinese flag! Now, is this a Chinese made or American made item? The name there says it was made in China, while the flag is telling other story! We strongly believe this product was made in China, as one clearly knows what to expect from a Chinese product. It's unbelievable, but most of the pricey gadgets and stuff you buy in USA are indeed made in China.

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