15 Weird Things That Most Guys Do Unknowingly, As Told By Women
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 1:59 pm
By:James Fraser
Guys, do you know that women find some of your acts weird? While they all look perfectly fine and okay for you and other bros around the world, women find them really, really, weird. Check out fifteen strange things men around the world usually do. From sitting with legs wide open to patting other men on their backs while hugging them, here is a funny but cool list of weird things men do, according to women.
13.Double patting
It's just a sign of acceptance. When a man hugs another and gives a pat on his back, he is kind of accepting him as a friend or a bro. This gesture sometimes signifies appreciation or comforting. Guess what? Some women find this weird too.

14.Men Scratching Balls in Public
Women find it awkward when they see a man scratching his balls in public. Some women say they find the act inappropriate and disgusting. We know that this is a curious question for many ladies. Let us shed some light on this. Not all men scratch their balls in public, but Some of them do. Unlike women, men have their genitals hanging out. Sometimes, the positioning of them can go wrong and cause discomfort. Hence, it's not all about itching and scratching. They might be positioning things for more comfort.

15.Men Sit With Their Legs Wide Open
Yes, men sit with their knees splayed wide apart. It is also a fact that some women don't understand the logic behind this. The anatomy of man's body is different from a woman's. Men's reproductive organs hang out of their bodies while women have them inside. Men tend to keep their legs wide open because keeping legs too close for longer periods of time causes discomfort and sweating.

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