15 Weirdest Wedding Cakes You'll Ever See
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 5:44 pm
By:Mike Litzler
Wedding cake tradition goes back to a very long time in the history. A wedding cake symbolizes happiness, fortune and fertility. It also brings good luck to all the people who eat it. Wedding cakes are one of the major attractions in a wedding. This is the reason why many couples try their best to make it best in the most creative and unique way possible. Some couples don't mind having a wedding cake that looks wacky and weird. Here are fifteen weirdest wedding cakes you don't often see in a marriage!
1.Star Wars wedding cake
If you love Star wars then this cake is for you, amazing craving and design but still a weird wedding cake.
2.Game Over wedding cake
Are you a gamer, then this cake might be a nightmare for you, in fact for all gamers.
3.Bunny wedding cake
Bunny are funny and a bunny cake is even more funny.
4.Be my pet wedding cake
If this cake was ordered by the bride then my advice to bridegroom is just run for your life. The bride has some pretty good plans for post-wedding. Poor guy...
5.Mario wedding cake
If Mario ever ended up finding the princess then their wedding cake most probably would look like this. Hats off to the couple who ordered a cake like this for their wedding. I like it..
6.Frankenstein wedding cake
Ever wondered how will be the wedding of Frankenstein? It's beyond my imagination but the wedding cake would probably look like this. It seems the couple were a Frankenstein fan or maybe just wanted a different kind of cake for their wedding.
7.death game wedding cake
This one is one of the sickest cake i have seen, i mean who keeps a cake like this on their wedding? May be the couple was a Mafia couple or gangsta. I wonder if they are still leaving together.
8.Kill the bridegroom cake
I don't know whether it is a wedding cake or a divorce cake. May be the bride wanted to show what she will do if he ever leave her. But in my opinion having a cake like this on a wedding is really disgusting and scary.
9.Duckling, fruit cake
This one is quite better than others having a lot of fruits to keep you healthy, it is also a sign of a health married life for the couple. yummy! my mouth is watering.
10.Cake of love
Seems like the guy who ordered this cake for the wedding is a real pervert and wanted to display his desires for love making through the wedding cake haha. That's one nasty looking cake.
11.The giant Ape wedding cake
Remember the King Kong movie back in 2005? imagine how the wedding cake would have been if that ape married the girl. Here is their cake, not really their wedding cake but a couple just thought of having the cake in King Kong wedding style.
12.This Life Size Cake
This got to be the world's weirdest wedding cake. We got to appreciate the people who made this highly challenging cake idea a reality. Though it feels little awkward for the bride to cut a cake that looks just like her, this cake still deserves a strong appreciation.

13.This Cake That Beats Gravity!
Cakes like these make your wedding day very special. They remain as 'talk of the town' for a very long time. This cake is amazing. We have some serious baking skills on display here. There might have been a small stick/pole kind of thing in the middle of the cake to support those gigantic cake balls.

14.This Shrek Cake
Theme cakes look very attractive. They look more beautiful when you pick a popular theme like a Disney movie. Though you may not find someone to make a life-size cake that looks like your fiancée, you still can find many cake suppliers who make pretty nice cakes.

15.This Violence On A Cake!
It's all about the idea. Don't simply buy a random looking cake for your wedding. Discuss with your fiancée and work on a theme that is unique, wacky, weird, or even something that symbolizes your life or lifestyle. The cake in the picture looks weird but still impressive.

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