15 Women Reveal The Creepiest Things A Guy Has Ever Said To Them
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 12:51 pm
By:James Fraser
There's no real magic formula to get girls. You may have already seen handsome guys failing to attract women. You may have also seen guys with average looks hanging out with hot ladies. The problem is some men don't know how to communicate with women. They have no idea on how to impress a woman. They try, but in the end, they just creep the ladies out. Read fifteen creepiest things a guy has ever said to a woman, as shared by women.
1.It Ended Badly at the End for the Guy
A guy told me that he had killed two people and dumped their bodies in the lake. He was psycho and thought that somehow that would be "cool" or "mysterious" and would impress me. He offered to take me to the spot in the lake and show me. I called the cops on him. He was pissed and said he made it up and I shouldn't have overreacted. I don't really know what he was expecting.

2.This Guy and His Squirrel Fantasies!
He was a budding animator who had a crush on me. As a romantic gesture to win me over, he created an anthropomorphic "sexy" squirrel character based on me and drew several very detailed and graphic pin up type pictures of it and uploaded them to his online portfolio. He was a pretty skilled artist and the face of the character was noticeably me. He said it was how he saw me in his fantasies.

3.This Crazy Ex
Broke into my house left an engagement ring on my bed and a note saying how he'd masturbated in my sheets because they smelled like me. This was all after I broke up with him...

4.This Dude Who Played it too Soon
The morning after our first date, sent me a picture of a guy going down on a woman, and said his first thought this morning was doing that to me. Later the same day he texted me saying he was falling in love with me... and that was the end of the shortest relationship I've ever had.

5.The Guy with a Great Helping Nature!
Followed me to the bathroom at a party because he "just wanted to help me." When I confronted him outside in front of the party host he said "I think I'm in love with you", I had just met him that night.

6.Touching and Creepy at the Same Time
I was flirting with a guy in a club, we talked all night and finally kissed. He was awesome and really hot. Then he told me to close my eyes and he put a silver necklace with a cross around my neck. I looked at it and said: "uhm, thanks...?" He smiled and said: "It belonged to my first girlfriend. She died in a house fire when I was 15."

7.Well, that Was Awkward!
He told me that he was planning to have me pregnant in 2 weeks and by the end of the year we would be married. I'd have to leave my job and be a housewife - his cousin would teach me how to cook - it was our first (and last) date.

8.Wait... What?
He told me he was going to take a shit on the subway and write my name in it as a romantic gesture. I didn't know how to even begin responding to such a gentleman.

9.This Not So Smart Girl
At an Arkansas rest area, a guy knocked on my car window and asked if I would have sex with him. For some reason I thought he was doing a survey or something. "Ask 100 women if they find you sexually attractive" Note: I am not a smart woman.
I said, "Uh.. not right now?"
He took this as an in, because I'm actually an idiot. In his unsuave, unplaceable accent, he says, "Many people have had sex in public restrooms, would you like to try this?"
I shook my head and said, "No thank you." and I got the fuck out of Arkansas.

10.And the Creepy Poetry
"your eyes are so green they look like the ocean.. covered in like green algae and seaweed and stuff.. I love eating sushi so it's okay."
Wtf dude.. really?

11.Waiting for a Hug?
First date. Hugged me real close, breathed in deeply with a shake to his voice, whispered "Yes... this is what I've been waiting for..." In the most creepy voice ever...

12.Will You Do that For Me?
I went on a date with a guy when we were around 15/16, and we went to see the movie 'the hangover'. So in this movie theater during the scene where the stripper pole dances the guy leans over to me and asks 'will you do that for me?'.
Cringe level over 9000, safe to say I got out of that relationship pretty quickly after that.

13.That Was Batshit Crazy
14.I Thought You Might be Hungry!
A man that I had spoken to for a grand total of fifteen minutes at the bar next to my (then) job came into the shop while I was working and brought his half eaten fish-and-chips from the bar next door. "I thought you might be hungry!"

15.That Was Unexpected!
I was cuddling with my boyfriend of seven months when he told me he loved me and wanted to introduce me to his family, which is a big deal to him. We were taking it slow so I was excited. He proceeded to say "Just wait until my dad dies and then I will introduce you to my mom! I want to marry you someday so I hope you don't mind waiting. It will be soon, I promise!"


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