15 Women Reveal The Creepiest Things A Guy Has Ever Said To Them
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 12:51 pm
By:James Fraser
There's no real magic formula to get girls. You may have already seen handsome guys failing to attract women. You may have also seen guys with average looks hanging out with hot ladies. The problem is some men don't know how to communicate with women. They have no idea on how to impress a woman. They try, but in the end, they just creep the ladies out. Read fifteen creepiest things a guy has ever said to a woman, as shared by women.
7.Well, that Was Awkward!
He told me that he was planning to have me pregnant in 2 weeks and by the end of the year we would be married. I'd have to leave my job and be a housewife - his cousin would teach me how to cook - it was our first (and last) date.

8.Wait... What?
He told me he was going to take a shit on the subway and write my name in it as a romantic gesture. I didn't know how to even begin responding to such a gentleman.

9.This Not So Smart Girl
At an Arkansas rest area, a guy knocked on my car window and asked if I would have sex with him. For some reason I thought he was doing a survey or something. "Ask 100 women if they find you sexually attractive" Note: I am not a smart woman.
I said, "Uh.. not right now?"
He took this as an in, because I'm actually an idiot. In his unsuave, unplaceable accent, he says, "Many people have had sex in public restrooms, would you like to try this?"
I shook my head and said, "No thank you." and I got the fuck out of Arkansas.

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