12 Funniest Do Not Disturb Signs That Will Make You Lol
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 12:09 pm
Tony Williams
People who frequently travel or those who live in shared apartments are familiar with Do Not Disturb signs a little more than many of us. The main purpose of the signs is to prevent people from knocking the door or accidentally walking in. Hotel guests use the sign to inform the cleaning staff whether or not it's a good time to come in and clean. While most of the Do Not Disturb signs are ordinary pieces of cardboard, some do stand out from the rest with their distinctive appearance. Take a look at 12 funny Do Not Disturb signs that will grab your attention right away!
#2 Napping
Nothing like telling the boss you're taking a nap. At least George Costanza hid under his desk when he needed that afternoon snooze at work. It wasn't until his boss decided to wait for him in his office, that all hell broke loose. So with this sign, honesty is the best policy.

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