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Geekiest T-shirts

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 12:35 pm

1.Just too much

This is enough to get a normal person to turn away from buying this t-shirt, but for a geek it must be like buying the latest designer one from the catwalks in Milan. Who cares what it means when the geeks are happy!


Ahh there is nothing better than a good geek joke on a t-shirt and this is one perfect example. Of course they will be rolling around with tears running down their face at it.

3.Work Overload

Since the advent of the home computer, everybody wants to know a Geek personally. That is why they wear T-Shirts like these just to make sure that everybody knows where they stand.

4.Sometimes Geeks are Hard to Spot

We admit there are even closet Geeks. Even though it's hip to be a square these days some just can't take the Geek title to heart. This t-shirt allows them to break the news in a rather gentle manner.

5.Geeks In Their Natural Habitat

Geeks are hard to find and harder to spot, since they spend most of their times behind a computer somewhere. That is why shirts like this come in handy. Say it loud and say it proud!

6.Word Play

Okay! We thought iPod and iPood were two completely different concepts? Apparently not when you are in the world of geeks as the two seem to be interchangeable.

7.Show Off's'

Oh show off! Who knows what that formula means? Whatever it was it was delicious. Geeks just seem to know these things and are not afraid to let everybody know without actually having to talk to anyone.


8.The Big Ease

Geeks often have the easy way out, that is why they love computers and the way in which they allow them to just escape. When it is all too much for them, Ctrl, Alt and Delete is often the best way.

9.Get a Life Man!

With cyberspace so much a part of our lives, sometimes it is a good idea to get a perspective on things, as this T-Shirt indicates. The true geek t-shirt manages to get its point across as quickly as possible.


10.T-Shirt Warning!

We are all bad at something, even in our chosen field. Not everyone finds Twitter all that user friendly and some are just plain bad at binary. Just so other Geeks are warned up-front there are special T-Shirts to wear declaring what they are in fact bad at. You need this mama bear tshirt if you have small kids.

11.Some Things Are Best Left Unsaid!

Social skills via real life are not always that good with our cute Geeks. Instead read their T-Shirt to see what they have to say, then leave them the hell alone!


12.Geek Speak

Since Geeks are so popular these days and adorable, they even have their own dictionary. 'Adorkable' kind of sums up the cute dork Geek and this is, therefore, the perfect t-shirt.


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