Real Life People Who Have Become Dolls
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 4:28 pm
Have you ever played with dolls in your childhood? We all did, one of the best… Read More (+)
7.Justin Jedica
This guy has spent a fortune on cosmetic surgery to get himself looking like this and you have to question if it actually is money well spent. You look at him and just feel that there is nothing true or real about him and that in itself is actually quite sad.

8.Anastasiya Shpagina
This girl from the Ukraine is probably one of the most famous people that have become dolls and you can kind of understand why when you see the way that she looks. It is strange to think that she is for real because surely all of her pics are photoshopped to get her to look like that?

9.Wang Jiayun
This Chinese girl has certainly perfected that doll look with the way that she styles herself. Of course she is helped by the fact that she is naturally like that anyway, but with the paleness of her skin and considering how smooth it is you can be forgiven for mistaking her for a doll.

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