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Bike Rivals

Wednesday, Oct 12, 2016, 7:19 am

This physics-based motocross game from Miniclip is another crazy bike-riding game that is worth a strong mention. Bike Rivals is a level-based stunts game. Each level has a challenging and distinctive racing track. A player needs to complete a level to unlock and play the next level. This game lets users do stunts like wheelies, flips, etc. and rewards successful feats with nitro boosts.  As we said earlier, Bike Rivals scores the best when it comes to game physics. Though the game graphics aren't realistic, they are good enough to impress an average person. 
Game: Bike Rivals 
Price: Free to Install and Play, Optional In-app Purchases
Downloads: 5 Million to 10 Million 
Reviews: 173,000+
Rating: 4.1

This Post Belongs To 15 Best Bike Riding Games For Your Mobile 

Bike Rivals


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