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Nutmeg Powder

Saturday, Oct 22, 2016, 1:04 pm

Nutmeg, readily available in the market as nuts or powder, is a food seasoning spice. It is widely used in Asian cuisine. Nutmeg powder is often used to flavor eggnog, a traditional Christmas drink made of milk, eggs, cream, etc. consumed in the United States and Canada. Nutmeg can get people very, very high. Two to four whole nuts do the trick for people who have never been high before. Nutmeg is a natural hallucinogenic drug. It contains a mirage-inducing chemical compound called myristicin. WARNING: A typical nutmeg trip lasts one day to two days. In addition to leaving a bad taste in mouth, it can make people very, very sick and depressed.

This Post Belongs To 12 Weird Ways To Get High Without Using Drugs Or Weed 

Nutmeg Powder

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