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Old Men Who Left Something Bizarre For Family

Thursday, Dec 24, 2015, 6:39 pm

My old neighbor was this sweet old man who served in the Pacific during world War II. He had some serious PTSD and sometimes would have flashbacks while I was at his house, grabbing me and pulling us behind the coffee table and casting about for a weapon. He was one of the kindest, most compassionate people I knew, and when he died from cancer I was really upset. Some time went by, and his relatives showed up to claim the things he left to them in his will. About 45 minutes later the bomb disposal squad shows up and evacuates everyone on the block. It turns out he had an old collection of about 20 WWII hand grenades in his closet, still primed and volatile. They were extremely unstable, and the police weren't sure they could move them and almost resorted to detonating them on site. They managed to disarm them safely, but to this day, I think about my perfect, kind, elderly neighbor and how he could have blown up the neighborhood in a moment of PTSD-fueled confusion.

This Post Belongs To 15 People Tell Their Craziest Neighbor Stories 

Old Men Who Left Something Bizarre For Family


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