Nigga In Japanese!
Sunday, Jul 9, 2017, 12:15 pm
By:James Fraser
How do you say nigga in Japanese? Well, there exists a Japanese word for a nigga, and it's definitely not Mah Nigga. We have no idea of what the meme creator tried to convey with this meme, but we suspect the words Mah Nigga sound somewhat closer to Manga. Kokujin is the Japanese word for black person. It's not a derogatory term, and it literally translates to a black person. Kurombo is the Japanese equivalent of the word nigger. It's a derogatory term used to insult black people. Remember, Japanese usually don't like foreigners, so they don't hate blacks specifically.
This Post Belongs To 12 Hilarious Mah Nigga/My Nigga Memes
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